Sydney Property Market Starts 2022 High
At the end of 2021, the Sydney property market has finished up the second strongest property market in Australia. In 2022, we’re set for even more growth.
In the last three years housing prices have jumped more than 55 per cent, with an increase alone in 2021 of 33.1 per cent. These numbers came on the back of an uncertain economy with ever-changing guidelines for Covid. This year the economy has opened back up and shifted to an optimistic outlook with numbers growing rapidly already.
Interest in sales properties increases with some listed properties going from few expressions of interest of at least 10 or more come early February. Our team noticed a sharp increase in interest for property after Australia day and this has not slowed.
Nearly all of our properties for lease have risen by $25 to $50 these first two months, with some getting as high as $100 increases. At the end of the third week of February are running out of properties to lease with only three remaining.
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