OTP Lending Changes – Market Expose

Falling Off-The-Plan Settlement rates for Investors

Popularity in buying off-the-plan (OTP) among investors has increased rapidly in recent times. Most recently, the RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia) has flagged this type of investment in Sydney and Melbourne as high-risk.

The changes apply to conditions surrounding property valuations needed for OTP loans. It is the most recent tightening in terms and conditions for investors from lenders. 

“The market is now saying less loan amount and more cash,” says SydneyLinks’ Trisiana Muljono. OTP properties are providing lower returns when compared with existing property.

The lending tightening has been implemented fast with lenders responding strictly to the changes. Falling OTP settlement rates could have more of a ripple effect if high numbers of original OTP buyers can’t settle the purchase.

Be aware of the changes to this type of lending and consider how your property agent may be able to uncover higher rental returns to help valuations.

For help with your future investments contact Trisiana Muljono or Simon Hohen at SydneyLinks.

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02 8302 3000


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